
Closer to God

Daily Prayer Prompt

Prayer is your weapon against the plans and schemes of the enemy and your most intimate connection with Jesus who mediates for us along with the Holy Spirit that intercedes on our prayer request on our behalf to God.


This 2 page prayer prompt will guide you in how to use the ACTS model of prayer.


How You Will Benefit By Using This Prayer Prompt:

Learn and use the ACTS form of prayer to eliminate not knowing what to say when you pray.
You will learn how to pray with these easy to follow prompts for daily consistent prayers. 
Ensure God is hearing your prayers through (confession/forgiveness) and create real intimate time with Him.  
BONUS: You can print and use your favorite pen or you can download and fill in the worksheets digitally right from your computer and never have to hesitate or fumble through your prayer time again.  
I hope you use this daily as you Get Closer to Him!
Closer to God Daily Prayer Prompt